aikasi ensimmäiseen maksuttomaan konsultaatioon ja kasvohoitoon
Iho näyttää ihanalta
ja tuntuu upeammalta
kuin koskaan
Iho näyttää ihanalta ja tuntuu
upeammalta kuin koskaan
aikasi ensimmäiseen maksuttomaan konsultaatioon ja kasvohoitoon
Ainola Beauty Clinic is a leading beauty clinic centrally located in Kluuvi in the centre of Helsinki. We specialize in holistic beauty care solutions. State-of-the- art equipment combined with our team of professionals ensure a unique customer experience.
Suomen suurin laitehoitoihin erikoistunut klinikka; mm. fraktionaalinen CO2-laser, hifu, VelaShape, mesogun, Hydrogen Oxygen, RF -ja fraktionaalinen mikroneulaus, kemiallinen kuorinta sekä pistoshoidot.
We also offer injection treatments. Aesthetic injection treatments are a quick and easy way to get help for signs of aging and fine lines.
Ainola Beauty Clinic
vuoden asiantuntemus
Yli 8000
tyytyväistä asiakasta
18 200 +
tehtyä laitehoitoa
Experience an extensive menu of both modern and timeless treatments:
Hydrogen oxygen
Veitsetön kasvojen-kohotus

I have sought help from the clinic for signs of fatigue and general skin well-being. I have undergone Oxypro -Velashape as well as IPL device treatments and skin cleansing. My favorite product is the MERE Deep Cleansing Mask ❤️ The best part is that you always feel like you don't have to think about anything ❤️ and can trust what is done to your face. Wonderful "Me Moment".

I have been Ainola's customer for 5 years. I have undergone cleansing treatments. I started the treatments because my skin was really dry. I've had help with that ��, in my opinion, the best products in the MERE series are: Honey-Amber Scrub and Refreshing Toner. The best thing about Ainola is the friendliness

I recommend Ainola as a clinic. The best part is the calm atmosphere and my own beautician. I have been a regular customer since 2018. I have undergone IPL, Velashape - HIFU - Microneedling - Rf microneedling - and Fractional microneedling treatment. My skin has become more vibrant, smooth and resilient. I have received help for sagging skin, fine lines and dull and dry skin.