
Amidas RF - Youth Management System
Amidas RF -järjestelmä käyttää 448 kHz:n korkeataajuista energiaa edistämään kehon ja ihon ionisaatiota. Ionisaatio saa solujen positiiviset ja negatiiviset varaukset liikkumaan tuottaen sisäistä lämpöä. Lämpö edistää verenkiertoa sekä parantaa aineenvaihduntaa ja ihon immuunitoimintaa. Korkea lämpöenergia tunkeutuu rasvakerrokseen, faskiakerrokseen ja vaikuttaa jopa viskeraalirasvaan.
Rasvasolut hajoavat lämmön seurauksena ja energia aktivoi aineenvaihduntaa. Järjestelmä lämmittää kollageenia syvällä ihon dermiksessä, jolloin laitteella saa aikaan kiinteytyksen.

Kenelle hoito sopii?
– Huono verenkierto, suonikohjut, selluliitti
– Hormonaalinen epätasapaino, raskausarvet, keratosis pilaris
– Lihasjäykkyys, nivelkipu, niveltulehdus
– Rasvamaksa, ruoansulatusongelmat, turvotus, liikalihavuus
Positiivisten ja negatiivisten ionien kitka RES-tilassa tuottaa syvää sisäistä lämpöä, liuottaa rasvaa ja nopeuttaa veren ja imusolmukkeiden verenkiertoa ja aineenvaihduntaa. Intensiivisen tehon aikana energia yltää 8-12cm syvyyteen ihon alle. Se hajottaa rasvan vapaiksi rasvahapoiksi ja glyseroliksi, jotka poistuvat elimistöstä aineenvaihdunnan avulla. Radiotaajuuden tuottama lämpöenergia myös lievittää nivelkipuja, parantaa lihasjännitystä, poistaa maitohappoa ja nestettä.

Ikääntynyt, huonosti toimiva iho
– Veltostunut, väsynyt iho
– Samea, kuiva, karhea tai reagoiva iho
– Hormonaalisesti reagoiva iho, arpikudos
– Epäpuhdas iho, laajentuneet huokoset
– Auringossa vaurioitunut iho
– Kasvojen ja silmänympärysihon turvotus
Pienet hoitopäät tuottavat ihon syvimmissä kerroksissa lämpöenergiaa, joka stimuloi ionien ja varautuneiden hiukkasten nopeaa liikettä ja kitkaa. Tämä vaikuttaa kollageenisäikeiden lisäätymiseen ja ihon kunnon paranemiseen. Lämpö pääsee 2-4 cm syvyyteen. Kun ihon lämpö saavuttaa 45° C – 60 ° C, välitön supistuminen tapahtuu hoidettavalla ihoalueella.

In fractional RF microneedling, energy is dispersed over a larger area dotted in fractions, which affects a wider area and deeper into the skin than normal RF microneedling. During the treatment, the thermal energy of the radio frequency affects the collagen and elastin strands of the dermis layer inside the skin. Fractional therapy is a more effective method than standard RF microneedling. At the beginning of the treatment, the client's skin is anaesthetized, making the procedure more pleasant. Power and depth are selected according to the customer's skin. At the end of the treatment, the beautician goes through the home care instructions with the client. Fractional treatment is suitable for skin with, for example, deep scars, pigmentation or when the skin is very porous and thick. Fractional needling is performed on the skin every 1 month, for example as a series of 5 or 7 times.
The treatment can also be done needle-free. The needle-free option is suitable for more sensitive and thin skin. In this case, no needles are used at all in the treatment head, but the focus is on the effect of radiofrequency. Needle-free treatment can be done, for example, every 1 week intensified 5-7 times.


The new RF microneedling method method combines microneedling and radiofrequency energy into a
combination treatment that takes skin care to a whole new level. The treatment combines the
effectiveness of microneedling and radiofrequency in one, which treats the skin even more
With the therapy device, needling and radio frequency can be precisely defined to the desired
depth. During the treatment, a slight tingling and warmth is usually felt in the skin.
The treatment adds an element of radio frequency energy to the traditional microneedling
RF energy is led through small needles to the skin, which triggers the production of collagen and elastin. The treatment can be used to treat different skin types in a versatile way.
Benefits of treatment:
—Firms and tightens the skin
—Softens fine lines and wrinkles
—Evens out skin discoloration and pigmentation
—Smoothes scar tissue
—Brightens tired skin
—Regenerates the skin, which improves blood circulation and the skin's own glow is regained
—Deeply moisturizes the skin
—Helps treat enlarged pores
Serial therapy gives the most effective results. We recommend 3-6 treatment packages, which are done, for example, every 1-2 weeks. After that, it is good to do maintenance treatments. The treatment can also be taken as a one-time intensive care.
The new Oxygen device is the most effective method on the market for cleansing and revitalizing the skin. The device includes 7 different treatment heads, with which we can treat different skin needs. The treatment combines cleansing, brightening and revitalizing the skin. However, treatment is always tailored to suit the client.
1. Hydro dermabrasion
Cleanses pores, blackheads and whiteheads, evens out skin color and gently exfoliates the surface of the skin. There are 4 different solutions and treatment heads that we choose according to the needs of the skin.
2. RF hot and cold head
At the RF treatment head, the cool radio frequency goes deeper into the skin, increasing collagen formation while moisturizing the skin. Cool protects the skin from too strong heating. The cold head itself narrows pores, soothes the skin and reduces redness.
3. Polymeric misting spray
The liquid changes its shape into a polymeric low molecular spray. The spray is a liquid containing small particles that is sprayed onto the skin to moisturize and revitalize the skin.
4. Ultrasound
With its vibration, ultrasound provides a deep cleansing of the skin while absorbing the active ingredients of the gel deep into the skin, moisturizing and soothing.
5. Bidirectional RF
Firming bipolar RF locally tones different areas of the face. kasvojen eri alueita.
6. Ultrasonic skin cleansing
High-frequency UA deeply cleanses the skin and helps cleanse pores effectively. The ultrasonic cleaner completely painlessly removes excess sebum from the skin, gently exfoliates the skin and can even work to remove blackheads. The device is usually suitable for even more sensitive skin and is gentle when used correctly.
7. HD skin analysis
The high-definition skin sensor uses a high-definition camera with 5,000,000 pixels. It captures the skin with high accuracy, showing every pore, fine line, pigment and blemish. The camera allows us to take a picture of the skin before and after the facial and compare the images with each other.

The basic purpose of VelaShape Plus treatment is to increase and enhance the formation of the skin's own collagen. The treatment method also helps to activate enzyme activity, improve blood circulation and effectively remove waste products from tissues.
The power of the therapy device is based on radio wave energy, which warms and activates the deeper layers of the skin. The results of the VelaShape Plus treatment are visible quickly, and the skin is smoother, firmer and clearly less streaky. Due to the gentle radio frequency, the device visibly smoothes out existing wrinkles and fine lines.

For acid peels, we use MERE peels, of which there are four different types. Depending on the skin of the client, we select the appropriate solution. In the treatment, the skin begins to peel off and regenerate. Acid peels help, among other things: For dryness, redness, blockage and blemishes, pigmentation and scar tissue, firming and softening of fine lines, and brightening of the skin.
The treatment is safe and gentle. The treatment can be done every 1-4 weeks as a serial treatment, depending on the skin's needs.
MERE peeling comes in four different types;
– Exfoliation of aging skin
– Couperose skin exfoliation
– Exfoliation of impure skin
– Pigmentation/exfoliation of uneven skin

Mandelic acid: Smoothes hyperpigmentation, reduces seborrhea, comedas and traces of acne.
Glycolic acid: Deeper tissues, promotes cell renewal, brightens and reduces fine lines.
Salicylic acid: Deeply cleanses pores, balances skin pH, prevents inflammation and reduces sebum
production. Suitable for the treatment of rosacea and acne.
Azelaic acid: Destroys bacteria, anti-inflammatory.
Kojic acid: Inhibiting the production of melanin caused by UB radiation, evens out
hyperpigmentation, brightens scars and freckles, and helps with pigmentation changes.
Lactic acid: Moisturizing and exfoliating to lighten and brighten the skin.
Cinnamic acid: Protects against free oxygen radicals, repairs skin damage and prevents
photodamage. Balances antioxidant activity.
Malic acid: Malic acid, or Aha fruit acid. Dry damaged skin, stimulates skin elasticity and increases
collagen production and regulates the pH balance of the skin.
The Oxy Pro oxygen device is inspired by natural hot water springs, which are known to improve the skin's oxygen uptake. By stimulating this effect, the skin receives oxygen to the treated area. As the oxygen uptake improves, simultaneous exfoliation of the skin creates an optimal environment for the absorption of important nutrients both during and after the treatment. During treatment, radiofrequency activates collagen and elastin in the dermis layer, which is felt and visible as immediate softening and firming of the skin.
Oxy Pro device therapy enables simultaneous exfoliation, absorption and nourishment of the skin, as well as oxygen therapy.
The effects of Oxy Pro device treatment are immediately visible on the skin. Firming and moisturizing are felt immediately, and the removal of dead surface cells gives the skin a glow.
Thanks to device therapy, hyperpigmentation is reduced and pores are reduced.

IPL (intense pulsed light) refers to treatment with strong light impulses. At our clinic, treatment is mainly done to treat couperose and aging changes. IPL treatment is not done during the summer, or if the client has been or is going to sunbathe. IPL treatment should be done regularly, for example as a series of 5-7 sessions.
Light impulse therapy helps inflamed skin by removing inflammation, calming the sebaceous glands and thus reducing sebum secretion. The treatment also has an antibacterial effect, eliminating inflammation.
The treatment helps lighten pigmentation caused by UV radiation, aging and hormones. Immediately after treatment, the affected areas darkens even more, and over the next 1-2 weeks lighten or even disappear altogether.
The heat generated by the light impulse affects the proteins and red blood cells in the surface blood vessels so that the blood vessels constrict. The treatment soothes the skin and removes redness.
The heat generated by the light impulse stimulates collagen production and elasticity, resulting in stronger, firmer skin, and the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. After the treatment, the skin immediately feels more elastic and soft, and the skin continues to produce collagen for months.
IPL for hair removal
The IPL device can also be used for hair removal. The effect is based on the pigmentation of the hair in the active phase. The light impulse is absorbed only by dark pigment. The treatment is most effective the lighter the skin is and the darker the hairs. The treatment is not effective on grey or light hair (no pigment). Often the results of treatment, i.e. hairlessness, are permanent or at least last for many years. However, various factors must be taken into account, e.g. hormonal factors and medications that can cause new hair growth in the treated area.

A diode is a laser method of removing superficial blood vessels. The diode heats up the hemoglobin in the blood vessels and provokes the destruction of the vascular structures. The body's defense system removes broken vein structures within a couple of weeks. The laser is suitable for treating thin red capillaries.
It is good to do the treatment as a series, but the clients of our clinic can often also use 1-2 times of their treatment package for lasering.

We are very grateful of all the feedback from our customers.

"I started treatments at Ainola a couple of years ago to improve the moisture, elasticity and evenness of the skin. I have received help – my skin feels thicker, more velvety and the variegation of the skin has decreased. Beautician Meeli has recommended I the couperosa-enhancing IPL light impulse treatment and the firming Velashape treatment. My favourite products are all MERE serums, I recommend Ainola because the clinic has versatile equipments. In a treatment plan made together with the nurse, we can tailor the care package that I need and provide long-term benefits. The best thing is the perseverance of the treatment and the facial massage done with warm hands! Thank you Meeli!" – Hanna

"I started treatments at Ainola in 2017. I have done Velashape, HIFU and RF microneedling treatments. My concerns have been age-related changes, such as fine lines, for which I have received help. I have noticed that my skin is well-groomed and fresh after every treatment. My favourite products from the MERE range are MERE Refreshing Toner and MERE Honey-Amber Exfoliating Cream. I feel that I am in the reliable care of a professional, and it is wonderful when a beautician tells me what she does and how the treatment works." – Riitta

"I have visited Ainola regularly since 2015. I've had every possible treatment; HIFU treatment for firming, Velashape treatment for skin regeneration and microneedling for skin brightening and couperose treatment. Currently, a new series of RF microneedling treatments is being trialled. I feel that I have received a lot of help over the years, but there is still work to be done. My favourite product from the MERE range is MERE Cleansing Milk, it has a heavenly scent! The clinic offers a wide range of treatments. The devices are constantly being renewed, so there is something for every skin type. The best thing about Ainola is the wonderful staff." – Sari